
Showing posts from February, 2020


2/24/20 Matteo Scotto I was not in school on Monday


2/20/20 I was not here on Thursday.


Matteo Scotto 1/10/2020 Day 11 Classical Greece, 2000 B. C. - 300 B. C. In the Greek city-state of Athens, a new form of Government developed - democracy in which citizens exercises power. Alexander The Great spread Greek culture throughout much of Asia. Greek, Egyptian, and Asian cultures than blended to create Hellenistic culture. Athens assumed control of a defense league and defense league and eventually built it into an empire. Later, Alexander conquered the Persian Empire and beyond to create a vast new empire of his own. Culture of the Mountains and the Sea In ancient times, Greece was not a united country. It was a collection of separate lands where Greek-speaking people lived. By 3000 B. C., the Minoans lived on the large Greek island of Crete. The Minoans created an elegant civilization that had great power in the Mediterranean world. At the same time, people from the plains along the Black Sea and Australia migrated and settled in Mainland Greece.


Matteo Scotto 2/3/2020 Day 7 Today in class, we didn't go over anything because Mr. Schick doesn't like teaching when half the class is not here. Also, Meghan asked if we had to do a blog today. That made Mr. Schick frustrated because she doesn't seem to get the idea that we do a blog every day we have class. I'm putting the terms from last time because I wanted to go over them again. Delta - a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river. Pharaoh - a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and a military leader. Theocracy - a government in which the ruler is viewed as a divine figure. Pyramid - a massive structure with a rectangular base and four triangular sides like those that were built in Egypt as burial places for old kingdoms. Mummification -  a process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying. Hieroglyphics - an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to


Matteo Scotto 1/29/20 Day 5 Pyramids On the Nile Main Idea - Using mathematical knowledge and engineering skills, Egyptians built magnificent monuments to honor dead rulers Why It Matters Now - Many of the monuments built by the Egyptians stand as a testament to their ancient civilization. Key Terms   Delta - a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river. Pharaoh - a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and a military leader. Theocracy - a government in which the ruler is viewed as a divine figure. Pyramid - a massive structure with a rectangular base and four triangular sides like those that were built in Egypt as burial places for old kingdoms. Mummification -  a process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying. Hieroglyphics - an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sound. Papyrus - a tall reed that grows in the Nile delta, used b