
Matteo Scotto
Day 5

Pyramids On the Nile

Main Idea - Using mathematical knowledge and engineering skills, Egyptians built magnificent monuments to honor dead rulers

Why It Matters Now - Many of the monuments built by the Egyptians stand as a testament to their ancient civilization.

Key Terms 

Delta - a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river.

Pharaoh - a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and a military leader.

Theocracy - a government in which the ruler is viewed as a divine figure.

Pyramid - a massive structure with a rectangular base and four triangular sides like those that were built in Egypt as burial places for old kingdoms.

Mummification -  a process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying.

Hieroglyphics - an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sound.

Papyrus - a tall reed that grows in the Nile delta, used by the ancient Egyptians to make a paperlike material for writing on.


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