
Matteo Scotto

So yesterday we learned about GODS & GODDESSES. I wished we went over more stuff though because the class was pretty short and this is pretty much the main thing I know about Ancient Greece.

Here are some Gods that we went over:

Zeus - King of the Gods; God of lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice; Ruler of Heaven and Earth
  • when he's mad, he hurls lightning bolts from the sky

Poseidon - God of the Sea, rivers, floods, and Earthquakes
  • doesn't like Odysseus

Aphrodite - Goddess of love, beauty, desire, sexuality
  • Had lovers of both Gods and mortal men
  • Her lovers included: Ares (God of War), Adonis (demi-god of desire), and Anchises (a mortal who fathered a baby)

Today we learned about Greek War Tactics and The Persians

    • Greeks were certainly a warlike people - especially the Spartans
    • Spartans were known for their tough, ruthless infantry: soldiers who fought on land
    • Spartan boys trained from the time they were seven


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