
Showing posts from April, 2020

Cyber #19

Matteo Scotto 4/30                              The Patricians (from Patres, meaning Fathers) were wealthy landowners with most of the power. They inherited not only the social status, but also the authority. The Plebians, on the other hand, were farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population. They had the right to vote, but not the power in office. Later, however, the Plebians gained the right to form their own assembly. They elected representatives called tribunes, they protected the rights of the Plebians.                 The Patricians could be compared to aristocrats and tyrants in Ancient Greece. They were nobles, land-owning families, wealthy citizens with control of the government. The common people who supported their rulers could be the Greek version of the Plebians. 

Cyber #18

Matteo Scotto 4/28 Republic - a form of government in which power is in the hands of representatives and leaders are elected by the citizens who have the right to vote  Patricians  -   In ancient Rome, a member of the wealthy, privileged upper class Plebeian  - I n ancient Rome, one of the  common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up most of the population Tribune  -  an official in ancient Rome chosen by the plebeians to protect their interests. Consul  -  an official appointed by a government to live in a foreign city and protect and promote the government's citizens and interests there Senate   - aristocratic branch of Rome's government Dictator   - a leader who has absolute power to make laws and command the army Legion   -  a unit of men in the ancient Roman army. Punic Wars   -  The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC Hannibal   - a brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Cart

Cyber #16

Matteo Scotto 4/21 My essay question: How the Greeks explained nature. In the first paragraph, the essay would illustrate how mythology played a big role in the lives of the Greeks.  For the next paragraph,  I would talk about their reasonings for the seasonal changes and day cycles.  The third paragraph would continue with stories about the gods and legends giving reasons for everything in life.  In the next paragraph, I would talk about how the Greeks were motivated by mythology.  In the last paragraph, I would talk about how the Greek mythos influenced our modern society.

Cybers #15

Matteo Scotto 4/20  hehe 1. Which God/Goddess was the Parthenon in Acropolis, Athens dedicated to? A. Hera B. Athena C. Hephaestus 4. Ares 2. Who was the ruler of Macedonia that conquered Egypt, Persia, and all of Greece? A. Socrates  B. Pericles C. Zeus D. Alexander the Great.  3. The three groups in Plato's ideal society are leaders, military, and ______________.                                                                                                                           (Producers) 4. Plato proposed that we were all born with a   born with gold, silver, or a mixture of ________________.                                                                                                                                      (brass and iron)   5. What were the main plays made by the Athenians? A. Tragedies B. Musicals C. Comedies D. Both A & C E. Both B & C

Cyber #10

Matteo Scotto 4/18/20 1. Tragedy and comedy were the two kinds of drama performed in ancient Greece. Tragedy was a serious drama dealing with a common aspect of life, love, hate war or betrayal. The "Tragic Hero" was usually a rich and powerful person. His arrogance and pride were the hero's downfall. Comedy, on the other hand, was more about playwrights making fun of politics, respected or ordinary people, and ideas of the time. The scenes were filled with crude humor and slapstick situations.  2. Pixar's Ratatouille is similar to a comedy from ancient Greece because it had slapstick humor and exaggerated body movement. 3.  The Great Theatre of Epidaurus This theatre was built as part of a sanctuary to the god of medicine, athletic, poetry, and musical contests. Dramas were held there seating an audience of about 14,000 people. It is considered the best-preserved ancient Greek theatre since it wasn't changed or rebuilt by the Romans.

Cyber #9

Matteo Scotto 4/18/20 Living in a time of crisis changes certain people but not everyone. People that rely on social interaction are having a harder time than people that would prefer to stay home by themselves. I do think most people will cheat, but with certain questions, you really can’t. For instance, you can’t cheat with this assignment because it asks for your specific thoughts on the matter. I think with schedules it is harder for students to do work because we have to be online whenever our teachers want us to be online. It used to be that the teachers were on our schedule, but now we have to be on their schedules, ready to take the assignments. I believe the workload is becoming heavier than it used to be because the teachers are trying harder to help their students with teaching, and so they have to give more assignments since they can’t give lectures.

Cyber #11

Matteo Scotto 4/17/20 The Parthenon The Parthenon was built between 447 and 432 BC on top of Acropolis. The temple was dedicated to the goddess of wisdom and patron of the Athenians, Athena. The Parthenon was initially built to celebrate the Greek victory over Persia, but it was also an enduring symbol of the Athenian democracy. Temple of Olympian Zeus The Temple of Olympian Zeus (also known as "The Olympieion") was built over many centuries, starting in 561 B.C. After being interrupted several times, the project was finally completed by the Roman emperor Hadrian, in 131 A.D. With its unusually tall columns and majestic layout, The temple is one of the largest ever built.

Cyber #13

Matteo Scotto 4/17/20 Hephaestus, God of the forge and fire, The best metalworker there is, With his hammer, he can make anything shine like diamond, For all their weapons, the Gods come to me, If only I could go to them.

Cyber #14

Matteo Scotto 4/16/20 1) How did Plato define The Forms? Plato defined them as the ideal versions of the things and concepts we see around us. 2) Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society? Producers, Military, and Leaders. 3) What were Plato’s thoughts on women? Plato was inconsistent with his thoughts on women. He thought they were equally able to rule but also thought they were similar to children and their womb was an alive animal that would move around the body and cause illness. 4) What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed? The Noble Lie that Plato proposed was that we're all is born with gold, silver, or a mixture of brass and iron in our souls. This would determine our roles in life.