Cyber #23

Matteo Scotto

Who settled Rome
The Etruscans - metalworkers, artists and architects who came from the north-central part of the peninsula.
Greeks - with colonies around Mediterranean Sea, influenced the Romans with religious beliefs, alphabet, art and military techniques and weapons.
Latins - who were the first, were descendants of Indo-Europeans.  They settled on the banks of the Tiber River allowing a port for commerce (not for war).
Myths - Virgil’s Aeneid telling the epic of refugees of the fallen Troy migrating to Rome. They were according to the story, the Romans’ ancestors.
   Remus and Romulus, the twin brothers who founded Rome.
The development of one of the world’s first sewer systems built in the valley between the Palatine and Capitoline Hills where the Forum was built. 
The Cloaca Maxima, the largest ancient drain, built by Lucius Tarquinias Superbus

(the seventh and last king of ancient Rome before the republic) channeled water into the Tiber. Legend says Washington DC was built on a swamp - but only about 2% was actually swampland - however, Constitution Avenue is located on what used to be called Tiber Creek. 


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