Cyber #24

Matteo Scotto
May 12

The fifth king’s widow named Servius Tullias king.  His daughter Tullia killed her husband and her sister to be with her brother in-law Tarquin. Tullia helped Tarquin take over the throne by having her father S.T. killed.  Years later, Tarquin’s son Sextus forced himself on a matron, Lucretia who in turn commited suicide.  This had the whole family expelled from Rome.  After witnessing this horrible family’s behavior, the people made sure not to be governed by kings for many centuries to come.  

The king was replaced by two consuls.  The consuls with one year term were aristocrats (patricians).  With this dominance, the plebs (98% of the population) had to serve in the army and with no say in ruling.  Since there were no written laws, the patricians were using the system to their own advantage.  The plebs refused to serve in the army until they had some legal rights.  The Law of the Twelve Tables were finally posted in public in 450 BCE, and the tribunes were elected.

Originally the US government was based on the ancient Romans’ model with three branches (executive, legislative and judicial) and a legal code. 

Executive Branch

Rome:  Two consuls, one year terms, each has veto power, controls the military, could appoint a dictator for six month terms in case of crisis.

US: President plus Vice President, four year terms, can veto proposed law, Commander-in-Chief of the military.

Legislative Branch

Rome:  Senate with 300 people (aristocrats) members for life,  assemblies (either Centuriate or Tribal) 193 members (later 373) - members for life.

US:   Senate - 100 senators (two from each state) - six-year terms, House of Representatives - 435 members (53 from Cali; MD has 8; AK, DE, MT, ND, SD, VT, WY have 1) - two-year terms.

Judicial Branch

Rome:  Praetors, chosen by the Centuriate Assembly, one-year terms.

US:    Supreme Court, nine members, lifetime terms, appointed by the President, confirmed by the Senate.

Legal Code

Rome:  Twelve Tables, Publicly displayed in the Forum, gave rights to plebeians, not just aristocrats, only protected free-born male citizens (not women).

US:  Bill of Rights with the first ten amendments to the Constitution.


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