Cyber #25

Matteo Scotto
May 14

The Roman Legion was made up of 5000 soldiers (exclusively Roman citizens) in infantry and cavalry.

The three Punic Wars (264 - 146 BCE) were fought between Rome and Carthage. 

The First Punic War (264 - 241 BCE) saw a series of naval battles for the control of Sicily with the Roman victory.

The Second Punic War (218 - 201 BCE) started with the Carthaginian general Hannibal attacking Rome from North after crossing Spain and the Alps.  Rome was once again, able to keep the enemy out and win the war.

The Third Punic War ((149 - 146 BCE) when the city of Carthage burned down and destroyed.  50,000 people left were sold as slaves and Carthage was added to the provinces of the Roman Empire.

By the end of the second century there were over a million slaves in Italy (50,000 Carthaginians, 150,000 Greek POW, etc.).  

This contributed to the economic and social changes.  The small farmers after fighting battles, couldn’t pay their debts.  They moved to Rome.  Their farms were lost to the aristocrats who had slaves working for them. The big farms expanded as massive estates called latifundia.  


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