
Showing posts from June, 2020

Letter for Future-Self

Dear Future Me,      What does the post-quarantine future look like? I know that you weren’t expecting this to happen. In the beginning, all we knew is that there was a virus spreading throughout Asia coming from China. At first, kids at school would just make jokes about it because it wasn’t affecting us. After quarantine was announced as a potential possibility for America, I noticed some teachers were scared while some were skeptical. Mostly, there were feelings of uncertainty among all of us. It quickly became the main focus of every conversation, it was all anyone would talk about. Going into quarantine, it was hard to get any work done. It felt like there was so much was going on, it was hard to block out the noise. Focusing on homework felt strange and difficult amidst the current state of the world. I felt like my family members and I were getting more and more frustrated with each other and arguing a lot. I didn’t like being at home. I was scared to go outside for a while and