Letter for Future-Self

Dear Future Me,    

What does the post-quarantine future look like? I know that you weren’t expecting this to happen. In the beginning, all we knew is that there was a virus spreading throughout Asia coming from China. At first, kids at school would just make jokes about it because it wasn’t affecting us. After quarantine was announced as a potential possibility for America, I noticed some teachers were scared while some were skeptical. Mostly, there were feelings of uncertainty among all of us. It quickly became the main focus of every conversation, it was all anyone would talk about.

Going into quarantine, it was hard to get any work done. It felt like there was so much was going on, it was hard to block out the noise. Focusing on homework felt strange and difficult amidst the current state of the world. I felt like my family members and I were getting more and more frustrated with each other and arguing a lot. I didn’t like being at home. I was scared to go outside for a while and afraid to leave the house. The masks were annoying and hard to get used to, but after a while, it didn’t seem so bad. For the first time ever, Mom let me order food from Uber Eats. I specifically remember how odd it seemed that the delivery driver had on a mask but no gloves. The second time around, she had on gloves but no mask. School now consisted of making sure to remember to keep checking our online class pages constantly so as not to miss any assignments and fall behind. It was a hard and sudden transition to being a more independent student. It was hard to have the self-discipline to work on things on my own instead of just showing up for class. Now that the school year is ending, it feels like quarantine won’t be an issue for me anymore because focusing on school was the source of most of my stress and anxiety, and the cause of a lot of arguments with Mom. Despite quarantine still being in full effect, I’m excited to start summer break. I’m a couch potato anyway, so staying in and playing video games doesn’t sound so bad.

Without much else to do, I was on the internet a lot during quarantine. I made many observations on how people around the world reacted to everything that was going on. It seemed like a lot of people were trying to make light of a heavy situation to make it less stressful for themselves. At the beginning of quarantine, a “life-simulation” game called Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released. People were able to live a separate, idealized, virtual life. The game felt somewhat perfect for those of us who were quarantined and wanted some “normalcy”. It seemed like everyone was now talking about it all over social media. I thought it was interesting that so many people, who probably wouldn’t have played the game otherwise, were suddenly invested in this game as an escape from reality. The timing of the game’s release date felt perfect in a way.

As I’m writing this, there have been riots erupting all across America. It started when a man of color named George Floyd was unjustly murdered by a police officer. It seemed that this was the last straw for many people, and their frustrations took the form of riots over his death. Many people are using this as an opportunity to call out the police force for having a corrupt system. Yesterday was the first time I saw people hold up signs near where I live for Black Lives Matter. Me and my brother, Mario, were going to Target when I saw people holding the signs by Main Street. I was surprised this would take place in this small town, but part of me expected this to happen, I just didn’t know when. The riots are still going on, and I don’t really know what to do. I want to do something, but I can’t, considering I’m still a kid with no money. It feels overwhelming to see these posts on social media, even though I feel like it is a good thing that people are having these conversations. Hopefully, it is a better place where you are now and that you are staying safe. If not, I hope post-apocalyptic Matteo has chainsaw arms and super cool battle armor.


                   Your Past Self,



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