
Showing posts from March, 2020

Cyber #6

Matteo Scotto 3/25/20 Philip II was the King of Macedonia from 359 B.C. to 336 B.C. He was a brilliant general and a ruthless politician with a well-trained army that conquered Greece. Philip planned to invade Persia next but was stabbed to death by a former guardsman at his daughter's wedding. Alexander The Great was the son of Philip II and inherited the kingship of Macedonia at the age of 20. He learned science, geography, and literature under Aristotle's teaching. He was inspired by Homer's Iliad and   was trained to ride horses and use weapons at a young age. He carried out his father's plan to invade Persia and conquered it. After he conquered all of the Persian empire, he then conquered Southwest Asia and soon wanted to invade India but his army wanted to go back to Macedonia because they fought for 11 years and crossed over 11,000 miles. Alexander agreed to turn back and announced his plan to organize his empire when they reached Babylon. He soon died of a

Cyber #4

Matteo Scotto 3/24/20 Dear Mr. Schick This has been rough. Everything has been rough. I know it might not seem like it, but I have so much on my mind. And I know its not the best practice, but I try to distract myself from all of my worries by just looking at the internet and watching shows instead of facing my problems. But at the same time, I feel like I deserve some slack because I already had so much going in my life before we had to go "digital". My mom and I were going through the process of diagnosing if I have ADHD or not. I also had trouble with my angry brother. I guess "socially" it's gotten better, but I think that's because everyone is focused on the pandemic, including me. Online school has been confusing and I wish we got brand new assignments instead of continuing the work we had before. I'm still not sure what's going to happen with school and that makes question if this is all worth it. I'm just trying to say that I'm s

Cyber #1

Matteo Scotto 3/24/20 1. Who was Pericles, and what were his goals for Athens? 2. How is a direct democracy run? 3. How did the Delian League work? Pericles was a wise and able statesman that led Athens during much of its golden age.  A direct democracy is run by citizens; not through representatives. The Delian Leag ue was an association made up of the Greek city-states that had representatives of each state. Eventually, Pericles u sed the league to improve and beautify Athens. 


Matteo Scotto 3/5/2020 So yesterday we learned about GODS & GODDESSES. I wished we went over more stuff though because the class was pretty short and this is pretty much the main thing I know about Ancient Greece. Here are some Gods that we went over: Zeus  - King of the Gods; God of lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice; Ruler of Heaven and Earth when he's mad, he hurls lightning bolts from the sky Poseidon - God of the Sea, rivers, floods, and Earthquakes doesn't like Odysseus Aphrodite - Goddess of love, beauty, desire, sexuality Had lovers of both Gods and mortal men Her lovers included: Ares (God of War), Adonis (demi-god of desire), and Anchises (a mortal who fathered a baby) Today we learned about Greek War Tactics and The Persians Greeks were certainly a warlike people - especially the Spartans Spartans were known for their tough, ruthless infantry : soldiers who fought on land Spartan boys trained from the time the