Cyber #28

Matteo Scotto


I’ll be taking my test from 8:55 - 9:45 am on June 2.

Notes on slides 32 - 42

Plebeian were kept happy and kept from revolting with two things (according to poet Juvenal)

Bread (free grain form the state)

Entertainment (Circus Maximus, Colosseum)

Military change 

Tiberius Gracchus (even though unsuccessful) recruiting plebeians while    promising land upon conquers

Soldiers were loyal to their leader and not to Rome or the Republic 

Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE)

Successful general conquered huge territory of Gaul 

Made common people happy

Formed the First Triumvirate (“rule of three men”) 

Joined by the popular general of Pompey (who conquered Syria and Palestine)

And the wealthiest man in Rome Crassus

Soldiers gave him devotion

He crossed the Rubicon river in Italy (the point of no return)

Served as consul (one year)

Appointed himself governor of Gaul

Pompey became his political rival

Caesar’s armies defeated the general in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt

He was named dictator for six months and then for life

Caesar started a number of reforms:

Granted citizenship to people in provinces

Expanded the Senate adding friends

Created jobs for the poor (especially through public works projects)

Started colonies where those without land could own property

Caesar’s Assassination and the end of the Republic:

Senators saw Caesar’s power as huge threat

Brutus, Cassius, and other senators plotted his assassination (he has stabbed him 23 times)

Senators were punished

Octavian was named Julius Caesar’s sole heir


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